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Tammy Hembrow: Influencer, Fitness and Athleisure Mogul

Tammy Hembrow Fitness Expert, Athleisure Mogul and Instagram Influencer

When collating fitness articles, videos and experts for my recent post about fitness in isolation, the name Tammy Hembrow crossed my desk. She sounded familiar, I’d heard of her, but really had little understanding of her success or prominence. Once I took the time to research, I saw the sheer level of influence @tammyhembrow has, as well as how dedicated she is to build her brand and spread a message of self-care, health and fitness. Tammy is considered to be one of the most popular influencers and businesswomen in the world. And she’s from the Gold Coast, here in Australia.

Beyond the blonde hair and tan, this is a woman on a very successful mission.

With a staggering 11.2 million followers (yes, that’s million) this Fitness Queen, at just 26, has a huge net worth, derived from her clothing line Saski and Tammy Hembrow Fitness. Is Tammy now “The (new) Body”?

Even Elle Macpherson, “The Body” OG herself, has just 512 thousand Instagram followers.

OG of “The Body” Elle Macpherson

Tammy Hembrow: Back Story

Tammy Hembrow’s dad is actor and musician Mark Hembrow, known for The Argues: The MovieBells and Smells: A Musical and In Danger of Winning.

Her mum Natalie, a mum of 7, however, is notoriously camera-shy when it comes to her famous daughter’s Instagram account. She has often been compared to the famous matriarch/momager of the Kardashian clan, Kris Jenner.

Tammy’s pocast, ‘Hanging With the Hembrows, revealed that she doesn’t come from an affluent background, and even resorted to washing clothes in the bathtub.

Hembrow sisters: Are they the ‘Aussie Kardashians’?

Tammy and full Pink Collection 1
Are Tammy, centre, with sisters Amy and Emilee the ‘Aussie Kardashians’?

The Hembrow family, from the Gold Coast, are often dubbed the ‘Aussie Kardashians’ and as much as it is a cringeworthy catch phrase, there are a lot of similarities. Three older sisters, Tammy (with her massive 11 million Instagram followers, Emilee (1.1 million followers) and Amy (261 followers) Hembrow, all have successful clothing lines and fitness offerings. There are also two younger half-sisters, Starlette (234k followers) and Ava Thyne (10k followers). Between all of them, they have huge Instagram clout, led by Tammy. While they don’t have a long-running reality TV show (yet?) these five young women know how to build and keep an impressive audience.

Tammy: Active Mum of Two

Frankly I do not know how she manages (ok, probably with a good nanny – but even so). I have one child (18 now) and while I ran a business when she was small, it was not of the scale of Tammy Hembrow’s Saski range or Tammy Fit website and app. And I was frazzled.

Tammy Hembrow managed to workout with her lovely offspring and features them in many videos:

She’s not shy in what she shares about her family and I think that it is her relatability and authenticity that her followers relish. How she manages to be Gold Coast glam, with a body to die for, when many mums celebrate getting out of pyjamas and showering, is beyond me.

You give everything you have for these tiny humans but they give you so much more in return…. My babies you make me stronger, better, more patient. The deepest love I’ve ever known.

Tammy Hembrow (source: Instagram)

Tammy Fit App

When I was researching my isolation article, I discovered the fitness app from Tammy Hembrow, called aptly Tammy Fit. Of course, me being me, and trying to be 25 again, downloaded it (along with 500,000 worldwide since 2018). I felt instantly fit, inspired and motivated. OK, so I have to actually do the exercises and follow the eating plans, but downloading the app for me was a start. I did do one workout and surprisingly did not blow my knee (for those of you who know me, you’ll know the story of my skiing accident and following botched surgery).

Comparing Tammy Fit to Other Programs

Tammy Fit App

In my past, I worked for a brief stint in PR and marketing with one of the biggest companies (can’t say the name) weight loss industry and was perplexed at how boring the fitness programs were. Functional yes, but so is unbranded skincare. No matter how great the ingredients, it doesn’t make it sexy or inspire you to use it. Tammy Fit is the fitness app equivalent of a beautiful packaged and formulated skin care line.

An App That Is A Delight To Use

When I opened Tammy Fit I was delighted at the layout, the trackers, and the ease of use. I was also delighted because it felt like Tammy was helping me personally, it connected me with the maker of the app, so it became more of a relationship (albeit one-sided) but the way the programs are set out, it offers choice and flexibility with Tammy’s unique presentation.

Food Tracker

The food tracker is great, and actually gave me more kilojoules per day than Under Armour’s, My Fitness Pal, which is a daily exercise and tracking app. My Fitness Pal is functional, but not fun, practically set out but not beautifully designed.

“I wanted to create a place with all the tools that I felt I needed when trying to reach my own fitness goals. There just wasn’t anything out there that did that. I figured that if I wanted it for myself, my fans probably would too.”

Tammy Hembrow

Branding and User Experience of Tammy Fit

The layout, branding and ethos of Tammy Fit feel feminine, yet strong, clean and fresh, with very millennial colours and typography. Images are consistent, easy to follow and if I was actually doing them every day, like I know I should and I promise to, moving forward, they would strengthen and transform this body to its former glory.

For motivation and inspiration, Tammy Fit is definitely staying on my phone, even after I can go back to the gym. I’ll just use it in the gym. It’s really gorgeously designed, and that is something that draws me in.

Compared to other Fitness Programs and Apps

When I was researching different online programs, there were so many where it was obvious that very little attention was paid to the user experience or customer journey. If a trainer can’t get the design basics right, it goes without saying that the workouts wouldn’t be great either. No matter how great the instructor, when a website or app isn’t beautiful to use, it’s a waste of money. It’s like going into a really ugly and badly laid out gym with poor equipment. You just don’t want to go back.

Why Tammy Hembrow’s Tammy Fit Is So Loved

Tammy Fit is like a beautiful, clean and airy gym, where workouts are strenuous but motivating.

Tammy Fit workouts generally designed in 8-week programs with sessions of 45 mins to 1 hour the app is smart. It collects your data regarding your goals, your body and your personal preferences to create a weekly personally tailored workout schedule.

The app also offers diet tips and other health advice, with healthy meal plans and a handy weekly shopping lists. The app even caters for coeliacs, vegetarians, vegans and sugar-free, gluten-free and non-dairy options.

Saski Collection

Tammy Hembrow’s luxury athleisure label Saski Collection is, for good reason, popular in over 30 countries. The Pink Hues Collection was launched last month earlier (pictured above where I discussed Tammy’s sisters and family) This range was a follow up to the Blue hues collection (pictured below).

Yes, I fell victim to the beautiful marketing

You would think someone who has worked in marketing for as long as I have, I would not be seduced by inspiration images and a brand ethos, but the fact is, I fall in love with brands all the time, especially when they get it so right. I purchased a pair of Saski Leggings and love the pants off them (if you can love the pants off leggings???). They are my favourite leggings to pull on at the moment. My theory is if you get dressed in gym gear in the morning you will guilt yourself into a workout at some time in the day.

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A model poses at the Klarna Style360 Saski Presentation

Tammy also showcased a boxing range at New York Fashion Week with Klarna STYLE360 in February.

NEW!!! Saski ‘MINI’ Collection for children and Unisex Tracksuits by Tammy Hembrow

Saski ‘MINI’ Collection for children and the UNISEX tracksuits are officially due to launch on Wednesday, 6 May at 10am. The Saski “Mini” Collection was born when Tammy’s daughter Saskia, 3, was spotted as a mini-me, wearing identical clothes to Tammy, when out and about.

The new UNISEX tracksuits are also high in demand after she unveiled them at New York Fashion Week in February.

Both Saski ranges come in eight gorgeous colours – three blues, 3 pinks, 1 black and 1 white.  Available for ages 1-4 in children (adorable!) and size XS to XL in adults (perfect for isolation and beyond).

“When we first launched Saski collection, our manufacturers made some ‘mini’ matching sets as a gift for Saskia to wear, and it snowballed when I posted the pictures on Instagram….We got so many messages asking if we’d be making matching Saski sets for children, and I love matching with my kids, so it made sense to start working on a Saski MINI line.”

Tammy Hembrow

Both ranges are expected to sell out within hours of being launched, just as the Saski Pink and Blue Hues ranges did, with two styles selling out on the day of the launch, and the majority within 48 hours. Don’t forget…Wednesday 6th May, 10am EAST folks!

Last thoughts on Tammy Hembrow

I am in awe of this vivacious, authentic woman, who is so much more than a pretty face, fantastic bum and mother of two. She puts herself out there, works really really hard, and has so much fun along the way. She’s a force of nature, so I genuinely look forward to seeing what comes next.



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