When deciding on our next interior design project, the majority of us look to friend’s houses for inspiration. Either that, or we get stuck into trends from the covers of magazines. From these brief glimpses, we attempt to master a home to keep us in the latest fashions. It can be a tough challenge and often involves improvisation to achieve the looks we’re after.
But, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, sites like pinterest.com are changing the way we approach our interiors. Here, we can search for buzzwords like ‘interior trends’ and receive a whole host of ideas. Then, it’s as simple as creating a board to pin your best picks, and getting stuck into your redesign. Far from being the reserve of hipster ideas, this could lead to a style you didn’t even know was in fashion. In fact, to give you some idea of what Pinterest could bring to your home life, we’re going to look at some of the top trends it’s predicted for 2018.

If you ask anyone which style is prominent on Pinterest right now, they’re sure to say Terrazzo. This chipped effect cement was big business in the 1920s right through to the 40s. It harks back even further, to the days of Ancient Egyptian mosaic. And, according to Pinterest, it’s seeing a significant rebirth in 2018. In fact, you’d struggle to carry out an interior search which didn’t mention this in some form or another. And, a quick look at the pictures on offer reveals what this design could offer your home. Terrazzo is traditionally floor-based. But, if that doesn’t suit, people are putting this on their walls and buying accessories to match. Overall, the image gives the impression of villas abroad and can add a refreshing aspect to any room. Why not try it out in your home?

Also on the Pinterest pin-list are metallics. Admittedly, this is nothing new, with metals featuring high on the list for at least two years on the trot. But, they’re evidently still high in the estimation stakes. A variety of metallic accessories are sure to complete any room. Not only do these fit well with minimalism, but they can also take your style into the realm of industrial. And, that’s a cross-over worth investing in. How you incorporate metallics is down to you. It may be that you invest in gold light fittings, or see ultimatefires.com.au for a silver-framed heater to put in your fireplace. You may want to stick to one colour, or play around and see what you can create. Either way, this is sure to take your home well into the trends.
The ceiling is the limit

Perhaps one of the most eye-catching Pinterest-based trends of the year is that of statement ceilings. As can be seen from examples on sites like www.brabbu.com, the louder you go here, the better. Whether you use wallpaper or create impact with light fittings, the aim here is definitely more, more, more!