Have you been looking for ways to improve your health? If this is a goal for you in 2019, read on for some suggestions…

Water quality is not only important when it comes to drinking, but also washing our hair and bodies
One thing we tend to overlook when it comes to our health is water quality. We realise we should drink as much water as possible. However, we do not consider the quality of this water. Water quality is not only important when it comes to drinking, but also washing our hair and bodies too. There are lots of great water treatment products available to assist with this.
Another way to improve your health is to make the most of the app culture. Here are three of many health apps that you can download…
MeeDoc – MeeDoc is an app that allows you to chat to doctors. This is ideal for anyone that has noticed some symptoms and is wondering what they may be and does not have immediate access to a doctor in their area. Instead, you can talk to a doctor at any time through instant messenger or live video chat. This app is completely secure, and you can even organise your prescriptions so that they are sent directly to your nearest pharmacy. If your location is not covered by this app. there are similar applications available, and you will find web services similar to this too.
UP Coffee – This app is available for free on all Apple devices. It is extremely insightful, providing you with information on how caffeine is impacting your feelings of fatigue, sleep and how hard you work out the next day. The results may surprise you!
MyFitnessPal – MyFitnessPal, which is found at https://www.myfitnesspal.com/, is a free app that is ideal for those who are looking to lose weight. You will be able to input your current weight and your end goal. The app will then provide you with the number of calories you should be eating each day to achieve this. You can then log your daily food consumption in the app’s food dairy, as well as any exercises you have carried out. The app will tell you how many calories you have remaining and you will also be able to see whether you are eating too much or not enough protein, sugar, carbohydrates, fat and so on and so forth.

Look for foods to add to your diet to boost your health. Artichokes are a good example. The term ‘comfort food’ often leads us to think of the likes of chocolate and pizza – something you treat yourself too when you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps. In reality, comfort food is anything that provides the feeling of well being, and artichokes certainly do this. They are arguably one of the most underrated ingredients. They are mild in flavour and boast many health benefits, providing you with a whole host of nutrients, such as magnesium, folate, vitamin C, fibre and magnesium. These are assured to boost your mood and make you feel better. The vegetable also contains some of the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants and is very low in calories. It’s a great food to enjoy for delicious healthy eating.
When you are preparing artichokes for cooking you should be mindful that the choke will need to be removed, as this is inedible. You should begin by rinsing the vegetable to remove all dirt. After this, use a knife to cut off the top quarter of the artichoke. Some people opt to cut the stem off next, other people keep it; the choice is yours. Finally, make sure you cut the point ends of each leaf off with kitchen shears.
There are several ways you can cook artichokes. I advise either steaming or boiling them. If you opt for the later method, place the vegetable on a rack above a couple of inches of boiling water. Cover and steam for half an hour. You may need a little bit longer if the artichoke is big. When boiling, add three inches of boiling water to a pan and place the vegetable inside. Cover with a lid and gently boil until a petal near the centre pulls out with ease. After cooked, drain the artichoke by standing it upside down on a rack.

What would happen if you were rushed to hospital with a medical emergency? This is also an important health-related concern. A lot of individuals fret about what would happen to them if they were to be rushed to hospital with a serious medical emergency. Of course, this isn’t a nice thing to think about, but it’s important to be prepared. The last thing you want to do is land yourself in financial trouble because you have required vital medical assistance and not been covered at the time.
So, what would actually happen if you found yourself in this situation? Well, if you do not have any form of insurance, such as international medical insurance, then it all depends on the country you are in at the time. All countries have different healthcare systems in place. You would get the treatment you need. However, you could find yourself with a huge bill at the end of it. Not all countries have a public health system and those that do have one have restrictions in place. Are you sure you would be covered? If you are an expat it could all depend on the type of visa you have. Moreover, whilst some treatments are covered by the government, not all of them are.
On the other hand, if you have international medical insurance you should have nothing to worry about. You will get the treatment you require and the insurer will cover it. You will also have access to the best hospitals, professionals and facilities. This is especially important when you have suffered a serious illness or injury, as you want to make sure you receive the best medical assistance possible. One thing you are advised to do is make sure you carry your insurance card with you at all times. This will simply make the process a lot easier. If you are in a position whereby you are unable to communicate, someone will look in your purse or wallet to locate your important personal details. Once they find the card they will be able to liaise with your insurer so that they can sort out the payment.
Hopefully you now have a better idea of the possibilities that could arise if you find yourself in a situation where you need immediate medical attention for a serious illness or injury. It is always a good idea to have the likes of global medical insurance so that you have nothing to worry about.
Health insurance can also improve your health in the sense that you are going to be more likely to stick to your appointments and go to check-ups. Some policies will be connected with the likes of http://www.bausch.com.au/ so you have vision health included too, and the same can be done for dentistry.
As you can see, there are a number of different approaches you can use in order to improve your health in 2019. If you follow the steps that have been presented, you are bound to notice a considerable difference.