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Dress for the Job You Want Not the Job You Have – How to look professional at work

7 Tricks For Dressing More Professionally

Want to come across more professionally at work? Whether you’re trying to win over an employer at a job interview or convince a client that you know your stuff, here are five tricks that could help you to look more professional.

Keep Your Shoes in Tip Top Condition

Keeping shoes looking fabulous has long been a way of making a good impression at work. Making the effort to take care of you shoes shows that you’re organised enough to make time for this in the morning and that you care about the small details. Even if your workplace has a casual dress code, keeping shoes clean can still have a big impact. Fraying heels, scratches and scrappy shoes say you “don’t care about your appearance, what else are you neglecting?”

Get a watch

You may not need a watch for reading the time given the phones and computers can now do this, however a watch can still have other uses. Wearing a watch can show people that your conscious of the time and make you appear more organised. There’s no need to shell out on something expensive – you can find plenty of affordable professional watches online.

Wear specs

Wearing glasses has long been linked to higher intelligence. Buying a pair of glasses could help you to come across more knowledgeable when talking to clients. You can buy glasses online at an affordable price. Even if you don’t need prescription lenses it’s possible to get clear lensed glasses.

Opt for pointy flats

You don’t have to wear heels to look professional, however if you’re wearing flats you might want to opt for pointy shoes over another pair. These can give the illusion of wearing heels without having the same damage on your joints. Even in a smart casual work environment, you can still buy pointy loafers and ballet shoes – they can help to add a professional edge when worn with jeans.

Choose the right tie

7 Tricks For Dressing More Professionally
7 Tricks For Dressing More Professionally

For men wearing ties, choosing the right tie can also help to add to your professional image. You’re best to keep to block colours or basic patterns like stripes if you work in a formal environment. Thin ties are becoming more fashionable than thick ones. When it comes to the length of the tie, aim to hang it so the tip tucks into your belt.

Avoid baggy clothing

Baggy clothing can look unprofessional. Try to wear clothes that are more tight-fitting (but obviously not undersized). If you struggle to find clothing fitted to your dimensions, you could consider shelling out on some tailored clothing whether it’s a suit or a blazer.

Use colour psychology

You can also use colours to help add to your professionalism. Neutral colours like black, white, grey and beige are the safest bet, however you can use louder colours to help create a good impression. Dressing in blue can help to gain trust as it is a calming colour. Red is more energetic but great for persuasive roles such as sales where it can help to show confidence and enthusiasm.  



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