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Designing Your Home Office With Productivity In Mind

The No-nonsense Tips That Will Improve Security for Your Business Event

So much time and effort goes into designing offices and corporate workspaces, but if you work from home, full-time or only occasionally, has the same thought and effort gone into your home office. You might not have the same scale budget as a corporation that is looking to redesign their office space. But with some tips and know-how, you can make sure that your office space at home is designed with productivity in mind. Here are some ways that will help you to be more productive when working from home. Try them and see if they work for you.

Use Nature for your home office

Nature can be important for how productive you are when you’re working from home. Looking at greenery and leaves can help us to de-stress and clear our minds. It can help us with our mental energy too. So if you’re looking right at a wall when you’re working, could you rejig your desk to face a window instead? Failing that, fill you home office space with house plants and succulents; things that will be green all year round.

Use Your home office Window

Along the same lines, being able to take a quick break from looking at your screen to look outside a window can be really good to help your eyes to rest. It is reported that for every twenty minutes that you stare at a screen, you should then look outside at something in the distance for around twenty seconds. Having healthy eyes and quick mental breaks will help you to be more productive.

Use Calming Colors

When it comes to color in our homes, they can have more of an impact than we give them credit for. Colors like bright red can be quite energizing and can even raise blood pressure levels when constantly around them. So if you’re trying to work in an environment that is calming and enables you to be the most productive, then the colors that you choose are important. Calming ones like soft shades of green, blue, and orange can all be good ideas. So when looking at carpet, flooring and curtains store Carpet One, for example, you should look for the right colors to help you work best. Then you can choose colors that compliment each other for the different elements in the home office.

Choose Moveable Home Office Furnishings

When you feel in control of the environment that you’re in, then it has been closely linked to doing better in a professional capacity. So when you think about your home office space, give yourself some options. A chair on wheels that will allow you to move to work in different areas of the room, as well as multiple surfaces to work from, for example, could be just the thing that you need.

Do you ever work from home? Have you thought about the impact your home office design can have on the room? It would be great to hear what you think about this and if you have any tips or tricks that you would add.

