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We’ve all had the fantasy of being able to live in a mansion, right? Sure, it’s a nice fantasy, but it’s hardly something that the vast majority of people are ever going to be able to turn into a reality. In the real world, most people are limited to a lot less space than they would really like. This can be seriously frustrating for a lot of people because it can end up making you feel cramped and annoyed whenever you’re at home.
However, just because you don’t have a mansion’s worth of space in your home doesn’t mean that there aren’t things that you can do to make your home feel just a little bit more comfortable. Here are three incredibly simple things that are pretty much guaranteed to help you make the most of a small living space.

Light is your most powerful tool
It’s criminal just how many people neglect light when it comes to their interior design. People think about colour, arrangements, decoration, and plenty of other things right down to the smallest detail and yet they ignore the impact that light can have on the way that a room can feel. A lot of this comes down to the fact that lighting is often a pretty nebulous thing in interior design. This means that the impact of light is much more heavily based on how it feels compared to what it actually looks like. The reality is that a poorly lit room can feel dingy and cramped no matter how big it is. Of course, the best source of light of all is the sun. Think about ways of bringing more natural light into your home. Whether you rearrange the room in order to expose the room to more sunlight, or you go to a company like B&W Windows to find the best possible options for exposing your home to as much light as possible. Whatever you decide, the truth is that you’re going to find that light can take even the smallest room and make it feel more open and spacious.

Live minimally
If you want to stop feeling like you’re cramped and shut in, then one of the very best things that you can do is to start getting rid of some stuff. Having your home stuffed with knick-knacks and souvenirs can be nice, but when they start to take up so much room that you feel like you can’t move, that’s a problem. Taking on a more minimalist lifestyle is one of the very best ways to get a smaller space to feel much more significant.
Embrace it!

Of course, you could always take the totally opposite approach. Sure, smaller homes might not have as much space as a mansion, but there’s one thing that they do have in spades: charm! One of the great things about smaller homes is that they give you the chance to express yourself and your style much more easily than trying to spread it over a giant house. Take up a whole wall with a stack of books, double up areas of the house like the living room and the bedroom so that you’ve always got somewhere cosy to watch TV. This kind of living situation certainly isn’t for everyone, but if you’re living in a small home, why not just make the most of it?
Note: this is a collaborative post.