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Beauty – It’s All About The ‘U’

Beauty, is all about U

We live in a world dominated by appearances, and there is no denying that looking good makes us feel good. When trying to unlock your best look, there’s nothing wrong with taking tips from your favourite celebs or style icons. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that everyone is unique. As such, you must find the strategy that’s right for you.   

Only a beauty regime that’s built around your natural features, lifestyle routines, and personal tastes will truly work. Here are 10 simple pointers to find the right answers.

1. Know Your Body   

It may seem a little strange to begin the beauty ritual with nutrition. However, there’s no escaping the fact that the decisions on what you out in your body will provide the foundations for success or failure. Regular hydration should be top of the agenda as it will promote healthy hair, glowing skin, and help your physique. On a separate note, though, you should go the extra mile to discover which foods bring you out in acne or cause bloated feelings.   

You’d be amazed at the impact sorting out your diet can achieve for your look.

The other thing to consider is a beauty specific vitamin supplement. I personally use the Beauty Boosters’ range, which supports beauty from the inside out.

 Glow Getter, Collagen-C and Complexion Perfection all designed to maintain skin health and assist in the maintenance of general wellbeing.
Glow Getter, Collagen-C and Complexion Perfection all designed for skin health and to assist in general wellbeing.

2. Know Your Body Type

Know Your Body Type. Credit:
Know Your Body Type. Credit:

No two women have identical bodies, and it’s imperative that you learn to celebrate yours. Fashion plays a crucial role in your overall appearance, but clothing choices must suit you. Clothes for athletic builds are cut differently to those for a naturally curvy woman. The most crucial factor, however, is to get measured adequately for any items that you may wish to buy. Ill-fitting clothes can quickly ruin the success that has been achieved elsewhere.

wardrobe malfunctions or ill fitting clothes can ruin your look, despite a beautiful dress or figure. Be remembered for the right reasons.
wardrobe malfunctions or ill fitting clothes can ruin your look, despite a beautiful dress or figure. Be remembered for the right reasons. Credit: Daily Mail

The decisions that suit you will always surpass those made to emulate another woman.

3. Get Some Sleep

sleep patterns is one of the best things you could ever do
sleep patterns is one of the best things you could ever do

There are many ways to enhance your natural looks. Nonetheless, life is a lot easier when you have a better canvas to work with. Alongside good nutrition, enjoying positive sleep patterns is one of the best things you could ever do. Aside from the benefits of removing dark spots under the eyes, the recuperation can enhance your hair, nails, and general energy levels. So, a good mattress is an essential investment.

As if you ever needed an excuse to get an extra hour’s nap anyway.

4. Choose Body-Friendly Makeup

Makeup is supposed to make you look better. Most applications will bring an immediate improvement. Still, you should steer clear of items that may cause long-term health problems or age your skin. In addition to the right foundation and eyeliner choices, the 5 free nail polish brands should be high on the agenda. Avoiding the chemicals that are known to cause damage is the only way to ensure you’ll look your best for years to come.

gloss and co nail polish offers an alternative solution to the heavy duty harmful chemicals in nail polish
gloss and co nail polish offers an alternative solution to the heavy duty harmful chemicals in nail polish

In many cases, those selections are better for the environment too. Win-win.

5. Learn to Apply Makeup That Enhances Your Unique Beauty

They say a bad workman blames his tools. Frankly, you could be blessed with the best products in the world but will still see limited results if you fail to apply them well. The internet is packed with guides and video tutorials. Whether it’s learning to apply lipstick in the right way or discovering how to completely dress your face for a big night doesn’t matter. When you can cover blemishes and bolster natural features, success is assured.

Given that you may encounter many different situations, a versatile approach is vital. 

There are many new boutique brands that take the guesswork out of makeup application, such as Garbo & Kelly with how-to instructions.

Garbo and Kelly Millenial Girl Contour Kit
Garbo and Kelly Millenial Girl Contour Kit

On the Garbo and Kelly page for this product there are clear instructions on how to use the kit.

6. Get Your Hairstyle Right

a great hairstyle, cut and colour will have a huge impact on your appearance and self-confidence
a great hairstyle, cut and colour will have a huge impact on your appearance and self-confidence

You can tell a lot about a person from their hairstyle. Avoiding the biggest hair mistakes will instantly boost your chances of unlocking your best look. After all, the hairstyle can shape your face and express personality. Likewise, the colour you opt for can complement your eyes, skin and other facial features. Without necessarily paying silly money for a cut at a premium salon, you must learn to care for your hair. 

Seriously, this will have a huge impact on your appearance and self-confidence.

7. Focus On Your Smile

businesswoman call career 789822

A winning smile is something that every woman wants and is the first thing most people will notice about you. Some people are naturally blessed with better teeth than others. However, invisible braces and other resources can be used to straighten teeth or correct a misaligned bite. Meanwhile, these 5 home whitening treatments can work wonders for the natural glow. When supported by biannual trips to the dental hygienist, you won’t go far wrong.

Possessing a better smile will give you an incentive to unleash it more often. Very attractive.

8. Embrace Imperfections

Glasses by Oscar Wylee
Glasses by Oscar Wylee

There’s nothing wrong with treating some of the features you perceive to be wrong. However, there’s nothing more beautiful than a woman that embraces her imperfections. Whether it’s finding glasses that suit your look or using beauty spots to your advantage doesn’t matter. Those little quirks are what make you, well, you. Learn to make them a positive part of your look rather than hiding them.

This is the true definition of unlocking beauty that’s all about you.

9. Ditch Bad Habits


Bad habits are not like physical imperfections, and you are only bringing the problems on yourself. Quitting cigarettes and excessive drinking might not feel easy, but the benefits to your face and body are huge. When coupled with significant gains to your bank balance – some of which can be spent on products and treatments – you’d be a fool to ignore it any longer. You could notice the difference in a matter of weeks.

Sorry to focus on another lifestyle choice, but its relationship with beauty is clear.

10. Build A Look You Love

build a look you'll love
build a look you’ll love

Most importantly, you must remember to put your thoughts first. While it’s nice to dress to impress for your partner or look great at work, your happiness is paramount. If you’re happy with the way you look, that’s the greatest reward of all. Positive reactions from other people are merely a bonus at this stage. In truth, though, the fact that you’ll be happy and confident in your appearance is sure to receive good feedback too.

Every woman is beautiful. The sooner you learn to appreciate what you’ve got, the better.



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