People all over the world have to deal with so many different things. Whether it be illness, poverty, loneliness. Whatever it may be, these people somehow find a way to keep going as the days pass by, even when it may seem like there’s no reason to go on. These people are some of the strongest people you’ll meet in your life, but sometimes we just don’t understand what even goes on in their life. This article is aimed at giving you an insight of the day in the life of a diabetic. In Australia, around 1.7 million people suffer with diabetes, and unfortunately, there is no cure. Whether it was self inflicted, or an unhappy happening, it takes over a person’s life for good. To help you understand, and raise awareness to the disease.
Firstly, you need to know that diabetes is a metabolic disease. It affects the body’s ability to produce insulin, the hormone which allows us to ove glucose into the cells in our body. Diabetes can either cause too much insulin to be produced, or too little. Either way it greatly affects the body. To begin with, a person with diabetes might have such as the following;
- Excessive thirst
- Frequent urination, especially at night
- Excessive hunger
- Fatigue
- Blurry vision
It can be very worrying to begin with, especially pre diagnosis. Symptoms of blurry vision can be mistaken for eye sight issues. Once diagnosed however, symptoms do start to improve, especially as people learn how to control their symptoms through things such as diet. A lot of them will be left needed to use epipens to boost insulin levels. All will need to be left in sharps disposal containers. These will then need to be properly medically disposed of.
So, diabetes sufferers do need to pay attention to their diet a lot more closely than anyone else would. They need to make sure the foods they are eating are going to keep their blood sugar levels at a certain point on the scale. They’ll have to monitor sugar intake to a tee, especially if they suffer pretty badly. Low levels of sugar in the blood will result in hypoglycemia which can potentially be fatal. As can high levels of sugar in the blood which can cause hyperglycemia. So in some ways, a diabetes sufferer is limited in what they can eat, and it can be pretty stressful having to check what each items sugar level is.
As time goes on, it’ll get easier and easier to notice the signs and symptoms of when sugar levels are at the wrong end of the scale. Simple remedies such as a boost of sugar will help to alleviate the symptoms. It is also advised that they maintain a nice healthy balanced diet to keep their health at an optimum level. There are always new treatments being trialed, but for now it doesn’t seem there will ever be a cure to diabetes however are being developed that are making it easier to manage.