With Christmas creeping up on us, we’ll soon be getting into the festive spirit and whilst this means different things for different people, the one common theme is that of togetherness – particularly when it comes to spending quality time with your family, reconnecting with old friends and making new acquaintances at the plethora of social events that happen around this time of year.
Whilst many people associate Christmas with Santa Claus coming down the chimney on his sleigh, in a winter wonderland with reindeers and elves, for the majority of adults we tend to associate it more with going to see live theatre shows, indulging in fancy meals and perhaps over indulging in our drink of choice.
If you’re not quite feeling the spirit, this year, then here are five ways you can embrace the festive
spirit.Just remember, whilst the majority of stores are preparing us for Christmas, and many other marketers are counting down the days until Christmas and New Year… it is only October, and we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving to look forward to.
Food is one of the best things about the festive season, as it’s at this time of year that we get to exercise our creative culinary muscles and come up with some fascinating treats. The downside with culinary creations, however, is that they don’t always turn out first time around – meaning it’s good to have a few dry runs before you attempt to cater for a big party.

There are many benefits to shopping early, for one, you won’t be stressing yourself out to buy gifts last minute, or in the run up to Christmas where the shops are jam-packed with shoppers all looking to snag their gift of choice. Moreover, however, is the fact that you can save heaps of money by buying things in advance – both when it comes to groceries and gifts.
The best tip here is to look for food items that are on special offer and can be frozen, as this way, you can stock up on a variety of treats and store them in your freezer ready for the festive season to begin. Indeed, in combination with the first tip, you could even prepare some treats and freeze them so if you have unexpected visitors you can simply pop them in the oven and serve up something nice.

Even if you don’t have kids yourself, often you’ll know friends that have children, so spend some time engaging with them on the topic of Christmas, as the magic of Christmas is best experienced through the eyes of a child… and in doing so, you will tap into the memories of your own childhood Christmases and connect with the magic of the season.
In a similar vein, you could invest some time in watching family favourite Christmas movies like Home Alone and The Santa Clause… as this will help connect you with the magic of Christmas, even if you don’t have kids.