So you’re looking for some great gift ideas to thank your bridesmaids? Of course, you’ll want something super special to show your girls just how much you appreciate them. Spa treatments or champagne treats are a popular go-to, but perhaps you’re looking for a little something different? For those wanting a few ideas on the artsy side, check out these fun suggestions.
A Piece of Artwork
Choosing a piece of artwork for a close friend can be a lovely experience for the both of you. While many traditional gifts are perishable or short-lived, a beautiful piece of art can last for years and serve as a keepsake of your friendship. You don’t necessarily have to break the bank- check out the local galleries in your town for some affordable illustration or photography pieces? You could also try sites like Etsy for some unique homemade items from new and aspiring artists.
A Poetry Book
Not everyone is into poetry, but if you’ve an artsy group of friends, a nice poetry book might be really well received. When we read something that really moves us, be it political poetry, feminist poetry or simply something abstract, it’s a wonderful thing to share this experience with friends. If you’re not sure where to start, check out some of the best poetry of 2019. If none of these take your fancy, head to the library and have a read. For a more alternative perspective, try checking out some alternative poetry-loving magazines for ideas.
Creative Workshop
Often, activities can be a lot more fun than tangible gifts as they arrive with lots of fun memories to be had! A creative workshop could be a lovely gesture as a present for your bridesmaids. You could offer a voucher for a pottery workshop, for instance? Or perhaps a themed painting class? Why not go along with the bridesmaids and make another fun day out of the gift.
Make Your Own
‘Make your own’ style gifts are super fun and come in a range of options. Why not buy your bridesmaids a ‘make your own eco-soap’ kit for instance? Cute and crafty gifts like this allow us to learn new skills and enjoy the process of the homemade! You could also try a make your own candle kit, or make your own chocolate truffles! With the right thoughtful gift you’ll be their favourite blushing bride in no time.
Friendship Album
If you’re looking for some really personalised bridesmaids gifts, why not make a friendship album filled with all of your best memories? This is such a beautiful gesture plus a great gift if you’re on a budget. Spend a day picking out all of the best photographs and using your best craft skills to decorate a lovely album. You can include cute captions to go with the pictures to make the present more special. Gifts like this will give your bridesmaids something lovely to look back on for years to come.