When you are looking to sell your home, every little detail counts. While you might have the imagination to see past the family pictures and kids’ clutter, lots of people want a house they can see themselves in immediately. In other words, if you want to sell your house fast, you need to make it easy for your buyer to choose.
You will probably have all the interiors done up beautifully and the rooms all looking their best, so now it is time to make a few finishing touches to perfect your home.
Neutralize Smells
You are probably used to the smell of your house and clearly, it isn’t offensive to you or your friends. However, it is usually a good idea to neutralize all scents before people come round to visit. A product like Ecomist Australia is good for getting rid of smells without leaving a chemical trail but you should also open your windows wide – especially if it’s a nice day.
Lots of people swear by baking bread in the kitchen to create a lovely homely smell but apparently, a decent citrus scented candle does much more to add value to a property. However, it is important that you go for a really good candle and not one that could be mistaken for a cleaning product kind of smell!
Remove Clutter
People like to to be able to look around a house and imagine themselves living there so it is usually best to remove a lot of the clutter you have collected from around the house. Childrens’ rooms will get away with having a bit more on show and if your kids are in, it’s best to have them busy doing something anyway!
The key is to remove as many personal items as possible without making the room look bare. Ask your friends for help if you aren’t sure which items to leave out and which to put away. While you are doing this, you might also like to go through your things to decide what to keep and what to get rid of before the move. This will save you the time and effort later on.
Take the Pets on Holiday
Some people find pets really off-putting so if you can take the dog out for a particularly long walk or send the cat to a friend’s house, this could give you an advantage. Go around the house and hoover everywhere thoroughly to get rid of any fur. Don’t forget to hoover soft furnishings like the sofa as well.
Cleaning properly should ensure that anyone with allergies won’t be affected. You should also go around everywhere with a damp cloth to get rid of any dust – even over the doors as people look out for the strangest things when they view houses!
With just a few finishing touches, your house can go from good to perfect in just a few hours work. Taking this time might seem like going over the top, but if you are looking for a quick sale and want to get the full asking price, it is well worth the hassle!