Organisation is a skill and a skill many people (including me) neglect. It’s not fun, it’s fiddly and I-rather-be-outside-playing. I have however, always loved stationery, beautiful stationery. I used to work in a department store stationery department. That was in the days when the Fil-o-fax was enjoying its time in the spotlight.
With the advent of the digital planner, stationery slipped in popularity, but it would seem with stores like Kikki K, Smiggle, Typo and the like, thriving, stationery is giving people something to touch, smell, and experience, beyond the dry and cold interface of Outlook or similar email and calendar programs.
I recently purchased some gorgeous pieces from Kikki K and thought I’d share those and some others I am lusting after…

Keep your important documents and paperwork safely stored with our new collection of Organising Folders.


The last book I am reading is Work Smarter, Live Better and after just a few pages I can see its value. I am calmer at work, I am getting more done with less stress, and I am picking up on details. I now own my time, not others and I choose how to order my day.
I hope this is helpful,
Di xx
Go forth and be Productive!