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Your Essential Self-Care Day

Your Essential Self-Care Day
Self-care is crucial for your well-being and experts say that it “encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit the good feelings to others.”

It’s time to face reality, folks. With the vaccines becoming more available, life will start to feel closer to “normal” as quarantine begins to end. 

Your calendar will probably include full of to-do lists and countless activities that will pivot your attention.That said, now is the ideal time to set a routine involving at least one day of self-care. 

Self-care is crucial for your well-being and experts say that it “encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit the good feelings to others.”

To share positivity with others or foster healthy relationships, it is important to turn inwards. 

First, identify what self-care means to you. Do you need to unwind from stressful situations? Is your plan to change your mood by trying new habits? Or are you in need of profound rest?

Whichever aspiration comes to mind, read the following tips to start your self-care day. 

1. No Alarms Or Electronic Devices In the Morning

Say no to your phone or any other electronic devices. You have enough to worry about for the rest of your week and the weeks that follow.

Wake up until you feel like it. Rarely does one get the chance to turn off their alarm(s) and roll on their bed for a good minute. Snuggle with your pillows, wrap yourself with your favorite blanket, and start the day at your own pace. 

Obsessively checking updates and messages can shift your focus away from a great day. A self-care day is about you. Be mindful of the place you are at and who you are with. 

2. Try A New Habit

If your self-care day is about eating healthier foods, search online for recipes that will satisfy your cravings while meeting your nutritional needs. Make it a habit to cook a new meal on a chosen day,, and you’ll be shocked at the set of skills you’ve acquired. 

People desperately looking to declutter their homes, try selling, donating, or moving unwanted items in storage units. Freeing up your space can bring you peace and clarity. Let go of old clothes you know won’t make it back another season. 

As an alternative, go try out a new restaurant, read an eye-opening book, set yourself a skin care routine, or learn how to meditate. 

3. Sleep Early

Sleep deprivation has tremendous impacts on your health according to research (e.g. memory issues, mood changes weakened immunity, risk for diabetes, low sex drive, low concentration, weight gain, risk of heart disease, poor balance, among others).

Sufficient to say that sleeping the recommended 7-9 hours will do wonders for your body. This is your chance! Catch up on sleep. 

Make sure your self-care days don’t add a pile of lists to do. You want to have a day in a week in which you focus on yourself, what brings you joy, and how you can improve your mental and physical health. Have fun on self-care days and invite a friend to join if you want company. 



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