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Pinterest Is Vital For Your Business

Pinterest now has "buy now" buttons and other Pinterest info

The more I read about and use Pinterest, the more convinced I am that this social channel is a very powerful tool for all businesses, in particular B2C, for increasing sales, increasing brand advocacy and loyalty, improving conversion rates of the journey from visitor to customer.

Did you know 88% of users purchase a product they pinned.

This online visual discover tool allows users to “Pin” images with their data onto “Posts” which the user can then organise into “Boards”. It’s great for weddings, home improvement, fashion, sayings, philosophy, fitness, diet, recipes and a plethora of other industries.

Pinterest is the 2nd largest driver of traffic from social media sites second to only Facebook, and Facebook is 6 years older than the humble Pinterest.

So why get Pinterest and spend time on it?

  1. Make more sales through more targeted traffic
  2. Collect market data to help collate future campaigns and NPD
  3. Appear before more people and thus raise your brand profile
  4. Collect loyal followers and brand advocacy – learn who is sharing your data and reward them
  5. Increase your site’s ranking overall due to increased traffic using niche keywords
  6. Costs less than many other forms of advertising
  7. User created content, which means less work for the marketing team
  8. Broaden the audience reach


E-commerce sites with Pinterest have a huge advantage. Pinterest extends the information on their website, inspired visitors and 70% of online consumers go to Pinterest to get ideas and inspiration on what to buy.

One best features that Pinterest have provided are “Rich Pins” which allow your pins to include real time pricing, availability and information on where to buy. This is something that none of the other channels provide and is an incredibly exciting tool for online sellers. Winners also get alerted if their pins price changes by -10%.

Don’t be fooled thinking Pinterest is just pretty pictures and DIY recipes and crafts. It is way beyond that. Women do use the internet differently to men:



Pinterest Facts:

  • Since 2000 women have surpassed the men in Internet usage
  • 75% of women use the internet for research before making a purchase online
  • 35% of women use the internet to research before buying offline
  •  22% of woman shop more than once a day
  • 58% of the market share online are women
  • 85% of Pinterest users are women
  • 42% of women in the USA use Pinterest
  • 75million users worldwide use Pinterest
  • Pinterest users say on the site for 15 minutes or more

So, all of this tells us that if you want to sell online (in particular capture the female dollar) Pinterest can effectively make this happen sooner rather than later for your online e-commerce business success.

Source: Omnicore Marketing

