Everyone goes through a season of unexplained weight gain, probably because of a relaxed workout schedule or uncontrolled eating. If you are experiencing rapid weight gain, it’s a cause of stress and can lead to low self-esteem and poor body image.
You might find it harder to socialise as you did or have the confidence to do everyday things such as attending parties, visiting friends, or maintaining a healthy love relationship. An increased waistline most often leads to psychological stress, and to avoid this, here are some tips
Take Action
Sitting down and wallowing in self-pity as you watch the weight rapidly increase is not a solution. Take action by understanding what you need to change to improve your health and reduce your weight. Unless there is a medical problem, all weight gain issues can be resolved with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
However, you can seek medical intervention through procedures such as a gastric sleeve that enables you to reduce the amount of food intake.
Other than that, get out more often and control what you eat. It might not be easy at first, but things get more manageable when you get into a routine. If you sit on your desk the entire day, get breaks every one hour or so to walk around and get your circulation going.
Go out for a walk, skip the rope, swim, jog or attend a local gym for an aerobic session. Also, make sure that you have healthy snacks in your home, such as fruits. Avoid take-outs and eat more vegetables, whole grains and drinking lots of water.
Stop Counting
Most people say that you should regularly check your weight to see if you’re making progress, but this can also lead to frustrations when you realise that you’re not losing the weight as fast as you need to.
Don’t check your weight every day or after eating and exercising but gauge your progress by how healthier you feel and how your clothes fit. Sometimes weighing yourself can be deceiving because it can never accurately tell whether you have gained or lost weight.
Sometimes your body retains fluids that will show on the weighing scale, making you believe that you’re not making any progress. Also, don’t count the calories you eat but generally aim to eat healthy options and exercise regularly.
Aim to be More Positive
The media and social opinions can drastically influence your body image. It’s best to avoid such ideas and understand that people have different body types. As long as you’re doing the best you can to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it would help if you didn’t worry about the weight or how people think about you.
Learn to love yourself just the way you are. Buy outfits that better fit your body type, go out often and love who you are. If you are taking care of yourself, you will have better self-esteem and never entertain talks that bring your self-esteem down.
It’s also okay to take breaks from your healthy options and consider foods or snacks you like but don’t fit into the health foods box. Indulging once in a while makes you feel good about the progress you’re making and will not harm your long-term health and fitness goals.