If you are in the process of planning your wedding, first of all, congratulations on your engagement! This is an extremely exciting time in any woman’s life. However, it can also be a stressful one too. You will soon find that all of the things people say about wedding planning are true: there is so much that needs to be considered and it can cost a fortune too. So, with that being said, read on to discover some of the most common wedding preparation mistakes you need to avoid if you want everything to go as smoothly as possible.
Cutting corners when it comes to wedding invites
It’s understandable that you may want to cut corners when it comes to your wedding invites. After all, you have so many different things to spend your money on, and invites seem like an area that you can easily cut back on. A lot of people decide to send out their invites via email instead as a way to save money. However, you need to consider the fact that your invites are going to set the tone for your entire wedding. They are designed to get people excited about the invite, and there’s nothing exciting about an email invite is there? Lasercut wedding invites look beautiful and elegant, and they won’t set you back a fortune, so they are a good option to consider when you are looking at invitation options for your special day.
Overlooking wedding style when choosing a photographer
Choosing a photographer can be a bit of a nightmare. Some photographers charge extortionate fees, and so you really want to make sure that you select one that has a good reputation. However, one aspect that a lot of people tend to overlook, which is actually the most important element, is the style of photography the expert specialises in. There are many different styles of photography, from fine art to candid photography. You need to have a look at different examples of wedding photography to find the style that appeals to you most and then choose a photographer that has a lot of experience in this area.
Not drawing up a realistic budget
This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when it comes to wedding preparation. After all, the last thing you want to do is run out of money halfway through. This is why the first thing you should do is draw up a table of costs. You should have a column for the estimated cost, the actual cost, the deposit, and the final payment. This will give you a complete overview of what needs to be paid and when. You can use the estimate column to put figures together from the start by conducting research. This will ensure you have a figure to aim it. It is also a good idea to create a payment calendar so you know exactly what you need to pay and when you need to do it.
Doing it all the wedding planning yourself
It can be admirable to want to handle all aspects of your wedding by yourself. But you will soon find that it is a nightmare. There is nothing wrong with asking people for help; you will find that your mum and your bridesmaids will be more than happy to assist you in any manner they can. In fact, a lot of people love nothing more than getting involved in wedding planning, so give them the opportunity to do so. Don’t worry about things slipping out of your control. You can tell them exactly what you need; you will just have someone else going through the hassle of sorting it for you.
Trying to drop two dress sizes before your final fitting
Most women go on a wedding diet as soon as they set a date. However, the worst thing you can do is cram in all of your dieting until the last minute. Not only will this make it more difficult for you, but also you may find yourself with a hefty bill if you need a lot of alterations after your final fitting. It’s best to try and lose the majority of the weight you want to lose before your second fitting.
Doing anything before the guest list
A lot of people fall into this trap. After all, sorting the guest list is often the most difficult part, and other elements of wedding planning seem a lot more exciting. However, you can’t really do anything until you know how many people you are going to be inviting. This will impact everything from the venue you choose to the save-the-dates. It can also impact aspects like entertainment, flowers, and so on, because the number of guests you invite will determine how much money you have left over for other aspects.
Blowing your fashion budget on just your dress
Yes, the dress is the star of the show. However, there are many different things your fashion budget is going to need to accommodate. You will need to buy shoes, jewellery, hair accessories, and wedding lingerie too. Plus, don’t ignore the fact that you may need to pay for dress alterations and you will have tax to pay if you are getting your dress shipped from overseas.
If you can avoid the errors that have been discussed above, you can give yourself the greatest chance of having a wedding preparation process that goes smoothly. It certainly pays to give yourself as much time as possible. If you are yet to book your wedding venue, don’t feel that a year or two years away is too far away for having your special day. You will thank yourself for the extra time. Organising a wedding on a short notice can bring about so many types of headaches.