Giving back is said to be good for the soul, but many don’t realise how well it can help the bottom line. There are plenty of studies that have been conducted that show that consumers believe that charities should be supported by businesses. The reason for this is that between a company that supports a charity and one that doesn’t, most people would choose to use the company that supports the charity. The reason comes under ethics. Of course, charities everywhere will know why businesses are supporting them: firstly, to be a good support, and secondly, for exposure and customer retention. The good thing is that most charities will be willing to help, knowing that they will reap the rewards of your efforts.
There are so many benefits to supporting charities and people like Kirk Chewning, and it’s important to know exactly what these benefits are to your company. Below, you’ll find some of the most common benefits:

The charitable element of a company is what define your ethics and identity to the world around you. It shows that you are trustworthy, and you care more about your own bottom line and are willing to support others as you become successful. It’s good for your brand image and it’s even better when it comes to recruiting the top talent in your industry.
Every company out there wants to work hard for a good public image. People who go online to figure out if you are the company that they want will see the efforts that you go to for other people. It can demonstrate to clients that you are dedicated to causes that need awareness and help.
Employee Retention
When you support a charity as a business, you give your staff the chance to give back and join a worthy cause. It helps to make people feel proud of themselves and allows them to feel proud of the company that they work for.
Charities that align with your business image
Your business needs to find charities that they believe in. For example, a travel company would support charities that boost tourism in another area. It’s always going to be more fun to give your time to a company that you have an affinity with. Bring someone in to manage the charitable side of your company, and you can expand to a committee on your staff that will be able to find charities and work alongside them. You should be looking for charities that are going to mean something to your business, giving the best exposure to a large number of people in an influential way. Always try to work alongside charities that your customers and clients would be interested in. Checking the agenda of the charity to ensure that their history has a good reputation is a smart thing to do before you commit your business.
Your business can be far more successful if you have done the right research, so find the right charity for you and you can watch your business soar.