It may be a little bit late to be thinking about spring cleaning, however, there are no rules to say you can’t spring clean after spring. As January comes to a close, the goals and wants for this year may still be floating around in your head, causing you to feel overwhelmed by all that this year may hold for you. This is as good a time as any to start injecting some calm and zen into your life through cleaning and organising. It may even help you to feel more on top of things then you’ve ever felt before. Below are a few areas in your life you may be able to “spring clean” to ensure when the opportunities of 2018 do arise, you are in the position to fully commit to them without hindrance.
Your Home
For many a house proud man or woman, the condition your house is in at any given moment can affect the way you live your life. Can you remember a time where you’ve said no to a girls night in, or watching a movie with your other half because you know you didn’t have a chance to clean your lounge at the weekend? You may be dreading getting ready for summer barbeques because the old fence you replaced at the end of last summer is still piled up on your patio. Well, now is the time to get organised, so you’re not having to turn down yet another date or wine night. Research some local skip bins, put on the most motivational music you have on your Itunes, and get your rubber gloves out. You may find it extremely therapeutic – getting out in the garden will up your serotonin and vitamin D levels, and throwing/giving away belongings has been proven to curb the spending addict within you. There really are only positives to having a good clean and clear out.
Your Finances
The title of this paragraph may already have your heart pounding a bit – and if so this may be the most important paragraph in this blog for you to read. Money problems are the number one cause of stress, and as you may well be aware – heightened levels of stress are extremely unhealthy for you. If your purse is bursting with overly used credit cards all from different companies – it may be time to consider debt consolidation and get the scissors out. Everyone has seen the scene in Friends where Rachel cuts up all of her cards – take an evening with a bottle of wine to reenact it. Give yourself the chance to not have debt hanging over your head. Yes, you may have to cut down on expenses and need to reevaluate your monthly budget, but your future self will thank you for starting when you did – and your present self will be asking why you didn’t do it sooner. Getting out of debt and saving your money will mean when that all-girls holiday is spoken about, or the newest pair of Jimmy Choos has your name on them – you can go all-in with zero stress and hesitation.
Your Mind
Spring cleaning doesn’t just refer to the physical parts of life. It can be and is often applied, to clearing your mind. Now, this doesn’t mean you have to head outside every morning at 5am to meditate as the sun rises, or join a yoga class that really just contributes to your embarrassment levels rather than your physical fitness. It is about giving yourself some time to breathe, relax, and take some time out from the daily grind. It may be time spent painting your nails, binging a Netflix series or even going for a 10-mile jog – it is what works for you that is important.
There you have it, some foolproof ways to help you feel like you can take on the world, and all that 2018 may have to offer you.