Spring is springing upon us, and with it comes the chance for that most cliche of things – the spring clean! With these handy tips you’ll not only be able to finally nail that deep-clean to give your house a new vibrancy, but you’ll also help prep yourself for Christmas – how neat is that?
Think and Spring Clean Deeper
You’ll hopefully vacuum your house pretty regularly anyway, but your big deep-clean can be the perfect time to bust out the big guns. Rather than just skimming the surface, you can invest in some specialised carpet cleaning machines – or at the very least some carpet shampoos. You can have a look at some reviews of the best, then blast away the years for your carpets. This will have them looking fresh and new, just in time for your Christmas guests! Any little ones (or maybe even grumpy teens!) who have to get acquainted with sitting on the floor due to a lack of chairs will certainly than you!
You can take this thinking elsewhere, and just improve upon the cleaning you usually do. Steam cleaners are a great, versatile, investment that will help you not only here but in future to keep your carpets, glass and anything else spick & span!
Pull the Furniture Out
How often do you pull the sofa, fridge, and sideboard out to clean behind it? If you’re anything like the average person, you do this rarely, and that means that crumbs, dust, and all sorts of other debris can build up to quite some level! Now is the perfect time to tackle that debris by pulling out the furniture, vacuuming and giving the floors and walls a deep clean with some bleach. That way, should you need to move things around to set up for Christmas and accommodate extra guests, you won’t be left dying of embarrassment when they find a year’s worth of dog hair waiting to greet them in some forgotten corner!
The spring clean Declutter
With Christmas right around the corner, you’ll soon (hopefully) be getting a lot of great gifts, and that means you’re going to need to free up some space. Take a weekend to go through all of your clutter, determining what you want to keep what can be contacted and what is little more than trash. Sort it out into piles then get in touch with a Same-Day Rubbish Removal company who can take the trash away. Once you’ve got rid of the rubbish, you can donate the stuff that’s too good to bin, but which you no longer want to hold onto, and then come home to your newly fresh, clean and clutter-free home to relax.

Don’t Neglect the Outside Spring Clean
Between halloween decorations and Christmas lights it’s not too long until you’ll be having your head amongst the gutters as you scale the outside of your house and – most importantly – not too long ‘till you’ll be drawing eyeballs to your wonderful exterior through your efforts! Considering all of this, it’s the perfect time to have a quick clean out of those gutters and get a lick of paint out, before the sun beats down a little too hard!
In all these tips will keep your house fresh and fancy, ready to wow guests and have you proud of your abode once more! These chores, if you’re organised, could be carried out over a weekend, so there’s no excuse not to get stuck in and get your home ready for the coming months and the extra entertaining you’re likely to do!