Regardless of what you think about self-care, taking the time to prioritise yourself should never be considered a luxury or a fad. In a more modern lifestyle, people are increasingly taking on more and more and becoming more stretched than ever before.
Part of this is the modern ability to be fully connected to anything and everything at all times, increasing feelings of overwhelm and burnout. This can be detrimental to both your physical and mental health, so learning how to reduce stress and regain equilibrium is vital to support your mind and your body going forward.
Learn to Say No
Easier said than done but putting boundaries in place and sticking to them is one way to help you reduce your workload and stress levels at the same time. Everyone has or needs to have limits, and by identifying yours and putting them in place. Identify the biggest demands on your time and carve out some downtime for yourself. Politely decline anything threatening to disturb this time and stick to your guns. It will be hard initially but well worth it in the long run.

Get A Health Check
When was the last time you visited the doctor or dentist or even took time off sick? Neglecting your health can be a surefire way to speed up burnout and cause more issues. So before you do anything else, book an appointment. Whether it’s a general check-up with your doctor, to check on an niggling health issue, to get your eyes checked or even for some cosmetic dentistry to improve your smile, book it in and make that appointment.
Exercise is good for both physical and mental health. But it doesn’t mean you need to hit the gym 5 days a week; simply walking a few days a week can improve your health and help you clear your head. As everyone knows, exercise produces endorphins which are great mood boosters. And by raising your heart rate even for a short period and getting out of breath, you can improve your health and do wonders for your heart. For those unable to do vigorous exercise, think about swimming, yoga, or pilates as a way to ease yourself in.
How many hours of sleep do you survive on? The average person gets less than 7 hours of sleep regularly. While the exact number of hours of sleep you need is unique to you, what everyone does need is good quality sleep. The kind you feel refreshed from. So pay attention to your sleep schedule, sleeping environment, and what you need to be able to sleep. Use supplements such as lavender oil, chamomile and valerian root to help you drift off and reduce distractions in the bedroom, such as electronics and light sources.
Self-care is more than a buzzword; implementing it in a beneficial way in your life is vital to help you maintain a balance in your health and wellness. Looking after yourself should be a priority, and these small steps mentioned in this post can go a long way to helping you do just that.