As those of you who regularly read my posts know, I have a painful autoimmune condition called Psoriatic Arthritis along with a terrible knee after a botched ACL reconstruction. Products that promise pain relief, especially without harsh chemicals and can be applied topically, pique my interest. Elmore Oil may not have the pretty packaging of some of my beauty products, but in the pain relief department, it’s active ingredient list really packs pain a punch.

Being in chronic pain is horrible. So are the side effects of so many pain killers. In the midst of an opiod addiction epidemic, we are humans need to rethink the way we treat pain. I am not talking about replacing therapeutic drugs recommended by your GP or specialists, but popping pills when your shoulder’s a bit tired or you have mild knee pain after a big workout, taking drugs like ibuprofen and paracetamol which are relatively safe, isn’t the only option.
Because of its efficacy and money back guarantee, I’m giving this product at 4 kiss rating. It only missed out on 5 kisses, because the packaging is a bit boring and I think there is so much more these fantastic products to do to jump off the shelf.

What is in Elmore Oil that makes it effective as a pain reliever?
Active Ingredient: Cineole
Cineole is a combination of distillations of eucalyptus oil with proven pain-relieving properties, and tea tree, to reduce inflammation.
- Eucalyptus radiata, the Blue Mallee eucalypt, which has the highest concentration of cineole of any eucalypt in the world.
- TERPINEN-4-OL is sourced from Melaleuca alternifolia, a Tea Tree from a specific region of Northern NSW known to contain the highest concentrations.
How to apply Elmore Oil?
Apply a small amount of Elmore Oil to the affected area and gently massage into the sore bit until it has been fully absorbed. Apply it twice daily for 14 days to maximise the anti-inflammatory effect, then as required.
I personally experienced paint relieve within 24 hours – not ccompletely pain free but it did take the edge of the pain. But do be patient. The therapeutic relief from the pain of joint conditions such as mine takes a little longer that that. You should experience maximum benefits after 14 days.
The company producing the product offer a full refund after 14 days if you aren’t happy, but I doubt may people do. It’s a wonderful find for those wanting natural pain relief.
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The Elmore Oil Story

Ralph Linford, the creator of Elmore Oil, grew up in the small central Victorian township of Elmore, naming the product after the town. When he started to get arthritis in his hands, about 18 years ago, he combined his love of nature with his background in chemistry and developed a product using four natural ingredients:
- eucalyptus
- tea tree
- vanilla extract
- olive oil
Eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil, had been used therapeutically for thousands of years. The vanilla i’d guess would be for the smell and olive oil if wonderful for skin (I used to massage by daughter, when she was a baby with olive oil and her skin always glowed, until she got too ticklish at 3).
Elmore Oil is currently healing people in 14 countries around the world from the US to the UK and China.
Apart from 2 samples to try, this article was not paid for. The opinion is entirely my own.