Deciding to move across the world is perhaps one of the scariest decisions you will ever make in your life. However, it is also one of the best decisions you can make if you want to spread your wings and experience everything the world has to offer. Before you can pack up and jet off to your new life though, there are a few things you need to do to prepare for the move.
Arrange your Visa
A visa is a pass which gives you the permission to live and work in another country, and many places in the world require you to have one if you want to stay in their country for an extended period of time. Arranging your visa is the most crucial part of your preparation to move abroad because without it you won’t be allowed into the country. If you are with an international employer, they might sort the visa out for you which will make it a little easier- however if not, you need to arrange it yourself. To arrange your visa you will need to make sure that all of your paperwork is correct and signed for well in advance of you leaving the country. When you apply for a visa there are several types you can choose from which is why you need to make sure you ask for the right one.
Preparing your visa can take several weeks to complete, so don’t leave the preparation to the last minute because you may not get the visa in time to leave the country.
International Removal
International Removalists like Chess Moving are an essential when you decide to pack up your family home and ship it across the sea. It will make things a ton easier if you hire a company to move the goods for you rather than trying to take everything yourself. Plus, you will get insurance with a removal company so that if anything is lost, you will get compensation for it.
When arranging an international removal you need to arrange it a month or so in advance. Due to the logistics of shipping your home belongings overseas, they will need warning in order to make the necessary arrangements at every step of the process.
Try to book the removalists to see your home before you book the removal so that they can assess the volume of goods to be moved and arrange shipping containers accordingly. There will often be different regulations on materials you can take across the world so make sure that you have discussed this in advance so you know what you will have to leave behind.
Have a Clear-out
The last thing you want to be doing is shipping a ton of rubbish across the world, only for your to end up throwing it away anyway when you get there. It will cost more money to ship and is a waste of your time. Take some time in the months leading up to moving to declutter your home and get rid of anything you no longer use or need. It can be a daunting task but if you take it in small portions or by room, before you know it you’ll have filled lots of bags and boxes to either give to charity or throw in the tip.
Important Documents
As soon as you know all of the documentation you will need to take with you during the moving process, make sure that you update everything and have it easily accessible for when you need it. You will need things like your birth certificate, marriage certificate, medical records, passport, driving licence and other personal documents to hand in one place when you need to use them. A good idea would be to buy a plastic wallet online and put everything in there.
Ideally you will also want to scan a copy of everything and store it on your phone or computer so that you have a backup copy whenever you need it.
Health care

Before you decide on moving across the world, a crucial thing you will want to check is the healthcare they have available to citizens. Some countries like the UK have a national health service which provides free healthcare to all residents. However not every country in the world will offer first class medical services so you need to be aware if you have a chronic condition which requires regular checkups. Also make sure that you discuss your move with your current doctor as they will be able to advise you and also they will administer any injections which you may need before you leave the country.

If you have a pet, your removal company will not take care of this for you. If you want to relocate your pet you will need to either arrange it yourself or have a pet removal company make the preparations for you. Make sure that you check with customs in advance and make sure that they can advise you on the documents and records you need to provide for your pet when you travel. Most of the time your pet will need to be quarantined before it is allowed to travel.
Most international removal companies will not usually move your pet for you. Make an appointment with your vet to discuss whether it is advisable to transfer your animal overseas or if it has any conditions which will make it vulnerable.
When you cross the sea, the way you pat tax will change. Before you set off make sure you speak to the revenue service and find out what the rules are when changing your taxing code and how emigrating will affect how much you are paying. If you will be changing banks, you will also need to contact your bank and discuss your options before you leave to make the transition of your funds as smooth as possible when you arrive in your new home country. You may even stay with the same bank, just make sure they know you are moving away.