Every now and then I create a site that I am in love with and the site for Katrina Lawrence’s new book “Paris Dreaming” is one such site. I really wanted to do this site, because I love Katrina style, I love Paris and basically I knew I was the best designer for a website like this. It is a WordPress site, as I urge all my clients to use, with a theme that I have edited much to meet the aesthetic desires of the client. As soon as I heard that Katrina was looking for a designer I was like the kid in class frantically waving with my hand up.
The site sweet and petite, and suits the book Katrina is launching, matching “Paris Dreaming” aesthetic in terms of fonts, colours, look and feel. Katrina also wanted to use the font Garamond, the importance of which Katrina outlines in the book. Garamond is a traditional printer font, so not generally used i web design due to the small “x height”, however I made sure I made the paragraph copy large enough to compensate for this.

The front page has a flat lay with the new book which I believe, makes the opening page, but Katrina Lawrence is an incredibly good writer, crafting her sentences with love and care. It is rare to work with someone of her calibre in terms of writing, normally I have to rewrite a lot of text so it reads well for the web visitor. Kat Lawrence’s writing draws a reader in, as she weaves the story with her writing.

Paris Dreaming – The Book
The book “Paris Dreaming”, available at Booktopia from the 20th November will make the Paris lover in your life a beautiful and thoughtful Christmas present, so while the others are watching the cricket or the start of the Sydney to Hobart on boxing day, your Francophile can find a reading nook and immerse herself in Katrina Lawrence’s book “Paris Dreaming”.

There is also beautiful blog Katrina writes, for those who cannot get enough of Paris. Katrina Lawrence shares yet more of her love of the City of Light. I hope you enjoy the design and grab a copy of this lovely book.