Even once your perfect home has been found and you are in your new property, it can take a while for the house to really start to feel like home, even once you are fully unpacked. That feeling of newness can take precedent over comfort for a while.
There is a vast difference between living in a place and using it for the necessity of having somewhere to eat and sleep, versus having a place that truly feels like home. Having a sense of being at home is all about how the space is perceived and bringing warmth into your surroundings. But, before you can bring this into your surroundings you need to consider what makes you feel happy, warm, cozy, and safe and then taking these ideas and bringing them into your property. Here are some ideas to help with that:
Hang Art
There is no better way to bring your taste in to a space than art. It is personal to you and can bring all sorts of emotion, color and change in atmosphere. Surrounding yourself with things you love and find beautiful will automatically make you feel good and more at home.
Sometime you need to do something a little more drastic. You may decide that certain aspects of your prooprty require more of a physical make over than a few cosmetic touches can fix in order to put your stamp on the property and create your ideal home. This could be anything from making structual changes, fitting a new kitchen, hiring specialists such as Bathroom Renovations Central Coast to renovate and revivatize your bathroom, to putting down new carpets.
Keep It Clean
There is nothing that brings happiness like getting into a freshly laundered and made bed. If you think about it, it is so difficult to be completely at ease and comfortable somewhere that is dirty. So apply this logic to your home, keep it clean and you will automatically find it as plae that yuu can relax in and unwind.
Think Texture
The textures are you will not only visually influence how warm, cozy and inviting a space is but it will play a massive part it how it makes you feel. If everything around you is hard and cold to the touch it wont be as inviting and comforting as soft. Having some soft textures such as throws, cushions and rugs dotted about will visually add warmth and bring a sense of comfort to your room but also when you are sat there you will have that additional comfort.
Add Color
Different colors evoke different feelings and emotions. So use this to you benefit. Whether you decide to add color to the walls with decorating to using furnishing and pictures to add color and create the atmosphere you desire. For example yellow has been associated with generating a ‘feel good’ hormone within our bodies and pastle pink can bring a sense of happiness and warmth. Whilst greens can be relaxing.