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The reason for skin aging from forty is what is known as perimenopause – the years before and after menopause, i.e. the time around the last menstrual bleeding. The female body is in a phase of transition that also affects the skin. The falling estrogen level makes the skin thin and loses its elasticity. This is often promoted by incorrect facial care. We know that the aging process is natural, but skin changes can be avoided.

Most common mistake: too many different products! They weaken the protective function of the skin and make it age even faster. In addition, after forty, the skin does not heal as well as it did before. Because there is less collagen in the skin and elastin, which are important for wound healing. Small injuries quickly lead to unsightly scars. And it can only be emphasized further: sun protection is particularly important! The UV rays are poison for our skin cells and lead to premature wrinkling, age spots or pale skin colour. Experts estimate that up to 80 per cent of the visible skin aging processes on the face can be ascribed to too much UV radiation. But there is hope!

1. Vitamins for the skin

Small shock at the beginning: From the age of 30, you lose an average of ten percent of your collagen every ten years – precisely the protein that gives our skin elasticity. But you can take action against this: A vitamin C serum helps to accumulate the collagen in the skin and thus makes your skin firmer. Also by ingesting them you can also see a benefit. Add some supplements to your diet for even further assistance! You can look at vitamin C and E for better skin! 

2. Cleansing and moisture

When it comes to facial cleansing, from the age of forty you should use gentler products, for example, a cleansing oil. Then face cream and hydrating eye cream give the skin additional moisture. Especially with crow’s feet on the eyes, rich eye creams help against fine wrinkles!  Other ways that are of course immediate, are types of plastic surgery. Do your research first of course, but you may want to look at for more information. 

3. Fight age spots

Unfortunately, they appear over the years: age spots. Special face masks lighten the skin and make the pigment spots paler. The best thing to do, however, is to combat them early on with special creams that also protect the skin from UV rays. The sun naturally ages our skin, so a factor 30 and above is recommended for our faces, even if our bodies can tolerate a much lower SPF. Always be cautious with your facial skin! 

4. With antioxidants against wrinkles

You can also fight fine wrinkles – with antioxidants. They repair damaged cells, reducing wrinkles and improving the overall complexion. The antioxidant astaxanthin, for example, provides active protection against external influences in high concentrations and thus works against dryness, pale skin tone and skin aging. It’s time to look great again! 

Image by pmvchamara .com from Pixabay



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