A trend I’ve seen everywhere for the past few years is Viking style braids or plaits. I adore the Vikings TV show and recently discovered that I am descended from Viking royalty (over a thousand years ago but it’s there. I also love historical drama: the costumes, hair, makeup, sets the list goes on. As a child I used to visit my wardrobe mistress mum’s work where it was floor to ceiling costumes, so suffice to say I have always enjoyed all aspects of theatre.
This post, however, is focusing on the humble braid/plait which has been around since the year dot, and more specifically the Viking braid. These shield maidens, badass warriors, wore the most intricate styles, and I am sure there are mystical reasons for it.
Blonde colour was considered the go, so women even then used to bleach their hair, with lye soap causing the hair to a light strawberry blonde.
Below are a few examples of the humble braid being done with extraordinary care and creativity.

Sources: Pinterest.com, Instagram.com, Google Images. If you see a photo you know and would like to me credit you, please email me.