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Five Jobs To Get Sorted Before The Seasons Change

The seasons are changing and now is the time to get those jobs sorted around the home before the weather makes its next change. But where do you start? Here are the jobs that need to be sorted right now.

The seasons are changing and now is the time to get those jobs sorted around the home before the weather makes its next change. But where do you start? Here are the jobs that need to be sorted right now.

Heat and hot water

When the weather is as unpredictable as it has been over the last few months, having the heating system in good working order is essential, you never know when you will need it. But there is more than just the heating system. The entire plumbing could need a good seeing to. Using a Blocked Drains Plumber can help to ensure that the water in the pipes drains away from your home and doesn’t reappear in the tub. As a general rule, it is a good idea to get your home systems serviced once a year to ensure they run well.

The windows

Your windows can go through a lot, especially if there is a storm. And storms are becoming more frequent all over the world. Storm shutters might seem like the last defence but they can be very stylish too. We are not talking about the big silver ones. There is a range of pretty storm shutters that look like they need to be there. If you know that the winds will be changing soon, you should get them fitted sooner rather than later. If you think that your existing windows need an upgrade before getting shutters fitted, you could invest in the latest triple glazing to help keep the sound of the storms out.

The garden

Every season the garden needs some TLC and this season is no different. This is the time of the year to go through the garden and work out what is working and what isn’t. Seasonal vegetables, if you grow any, will need to be checked on. Seasonal plants need to be rotated. Now is also a great time to clear out that old garden furniture and replace it with something new and more stylish. Get out there and get your hands dirty in the soil and connect with Mother Earth.

Planning ahead

We don’t want to mention the C-word now, but Christmas is not far off. You may not be ready for Christmas but now is a great time to start planning. It is time to work out what you are buying people, what food prep you need to make, and if you need to clear out some space to store Christmas presents for everyone before the tree goes up. 

Declutter and deep clean

As Christmas is just around the corner, now is a great time to give the house a deep clean and declutter. Over the years, we have had a habit of collecting things that we do not need. If you are finding that the house is looking a bit cluttered, it is time for a clear out. If you don’t want to get rid of these things, you can wrap them up and stick them in storage.



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