In my household, we have a pedigree Norwegian Forest cat who was rescued from the Yagoona RSPCA shelter, and now we have another pedigree of a different sort: the Chanel Classic Single Flap Jumbo, “rescued” from Luxe.It.Fwd, Fortitude Valley Brisbane. Unlike our cat this beautiful bag was sent over to me in a multilayered, anticipatory packaging, pass-the-parcel style if you will, with the last layer… is that angels singing?

Luxe.It.Fwd is a consignment and preloved authentic designer bag and shoe store, who prequalify and autheticate all bags before agreeing to sell on consignment or buying outright for the store.

Personally I really dislike seeing fakes of the LV or Chanel Bags. It’s such a shame we feel the need to have fake anything. (apart from fur). A fake chanel ruins perfectly good outfits and cheapen the original. Fakes just look cheap and you are buying a lie. I don’t mind “inspired by” type bags that some stores do, except I don’t understand the price tag of brands like Michael Kors, since they are just copies of the originals designs and slapping an MK logo in it. I’d rather buy the best quality bag brand I can, and if that means a less prestigious label so be it. But you don’t have to compromise for a real label. Luxe.It.Forward offers a beautiful alternative to fakes and cheap handbags. I have a gorgeous Seed bag with is the loveliest grey with black trim and it’s beautiful quality but it isn’t trying to be something it isn’t.

Why buy a bag new if you can find a classic and prisine original? This Chanel Classic Single Flap Jumbo is the perfect buttery beige to accompany any neutral outfit this Spring Summer. It is impeccable and looks new. New, the Chanel Classic Single Flap Jumbo costs approximately, if you can get it at all, $6,240 AUD. At Luxe.It.Fwd is is much more affordable at $4.200 AUD and I honestly can see no wear whatsoever.

There are also Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Celine, Givenchy, Gucci, Saint Laurent and Dior as well. If you want a genuine designer bag, with the workmanship and an authenticity guarantee Luxe.It.Fwd has just the bag (or shoes).

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Photo credit: all but the last 2 photos are by my lovely husband Michael Kennedy (the last 2 at the event are iPhone shots for social media).