I discovered these gems on YouTube so I wanted to share, make sure you wear that Poise panty liner if you have had children, and full nana nappies if you are over 40.
The $97 smoothie
Sorry Miranda, I too have tried this and it does indeed taste like a**.
Makeup Like Kylie Jenner – Or Not…
Sigh, I have a sore tummy from watching this and am really clad I am wearing the nanna nappy.
Pepsi Ad: Who did it better? Cindy Crawford or Celeste Barber
Obviously Celeste Barber has seen me in the car after a grocery shop drinking my sugar free lemonade after it’s jiggled around in the trolley.
Yoga practice IRL
I have no words. Wheezing with laughter.
There you have it, some excepts from the Celeste Barber, the funniest woman on the internet.