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Are you Holding Yourself Back from Achieving your Fitness Goals?

Are you Holding Yourself Back from Achieving your Fitness Goals?
Achieving your fitness goals is a holistic journey that encompasses not only physical exercise but also proper nutrition, effective stress management, and adequate rest.

Do you feel as though you are not seeing the fitness results you want? If so then you could be making these top mistakes. Take a look below to see what changes you could make, today.

Not Letting Your Body Rest

You have probably heard this before, but there is some truth to this. Working out, day after day without any rest at all can cause your body to not recover properly. Naturally, how fit you are will influence the amount of time it takes you to recover. A good rule of thumb is that you should be doing 3 days of working out a week if you’re new to fitness. If you’re quite fit then you should step this up to 5 days a week. Ideally, having two recovery days a week is optimal, so schedule this between your workout days if possible.

Change your Routine

If you want to keep on seeing the results you’re hoping for then you need to change your workout routine. When you do the same workout routine again and again and don’t alter the intensity, your body will become accustomed to it. You may also find that you are less prone to change. If you want to do something about this then the first thing you need to do is start challenging your muscles. Switch things up and incorporate different muscle groups. If you can do this then you will see a major difference to the results you are capable of achieving. If you don’t know how to change things up, then if you’re constantly weightlifting, consider going for a run. If you struggle to run because of a foot injury then now could be the time for you to chat with a podiatrist.

You Are Stressed

It’s not just about taking care of your body. Working out is a mindset as well. It’s possible to be stressed out from work, your relationship or other worries. When you are stressed out,  the hormones that your body needs to build muscle will plummet. When you are under a lot of stress, you may find that your body secretes adrenaline and cortisol. This breaks down fat and protein into glucose. You need that for building muscle, so try and make sure that you give some thought to this and that you reduce stress where possible.

You’re Not Eating Properly

If you don’t eat properly then this is another major sign that you need to make a change. When you work out, you may find that your glycogen storage drains. This increases your protein metabolism, and it can cause you to lose fluids and salt. When you work out, you then have to gain back what you have lost. Eating is the best way to do this. You ideally need to eat something half an hour after you have worked out. This is because, during this time, your body is most receptive to nutrients. Having a protein bar in your gym bag is a very good idea, as it encourages you to eat on the go, making it easier to sustain this new habit.

Achieving your fitness goals is a holistic journey that encompasses not only physical exercise but also proper nutrition, effective stress management, and adequate rest. Remember that it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the lifelong commitment to a healthier and happier you. By consistently fueling your body with nutritious foods, staying active, managing stress, and prioritising rest, you’ll not only reach your fitness goals but also maintain them, leading to a more vibrant and balanced life. So, keep pushing yourself, stay mindful of your choices, and embrace this transformative path to better health and well-being. Your body and mind will thank you for it.



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