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Planning Your Dream Future (And Actually Making It There)

Interior designer Mary McDonald’s L.A. office is a micro-model for giving a simple space serious retro-Hollywood glamour

Every self help book you ever read will usually tell you variations of the exact same thing: live in the moment. Be in the present, and don’t worry about the past or the future. While this is sound advice most of the time, it can also be a little irresponsible. It’s not like you can’t think about the future at all. Planning for the future is key if you’re going to live a happy, comfortable life. No, you don’t have to worry about it, but you should definitely think about it and plan for it.

So, let’s use the next few minutes to do just that. Think of your future. Not just any, mediocre future. Your dream future. Where do you end up? Who with? Doing what? Get a really detailed picture in your head. Now, move on to the steps below so that you can actually get there…

Write It Down

writing down your goals makes it easier to attain them
writing down your goals makes it easier to attain them

Once you think you have a clear picture in your head of your dream future, write it down. Write it down in as much detail as possible, and get excited about it. If you can’t get excited about it, then it’s a sign you may need to tweak a few things until you are. You should feel all the feelings as you write about your future!

Read your future through with enthusiasm every day so that it stays fresh in your head.

Create A Vision Board

Create a pinboard - this lovely example is from RH baby and child
Create a pinboard – this lovely example is from RH baby and child

Now you can move on to the next part: creating a vision board. A vision board can help you to build momentum towards your dream, and if you put it somewhere you can see it every day, it stays fresh in your mind and stops you from meandering off the right course. Just take a look at vision boards online and the benefits of them to get a good idea of why you should make one. Just don’t hide it away once you’ve put one together. Put it somewhere you’ll see it all the time. You can use pictures, inspiring quotes, and anything else that makes you feel good on yours.

Start Putting Your Plan Together

How will you make it to your dream future? You can visualize all you like, but if you’re not taking action, it’s highly unlikely that it’s just going to come knocking on your door. If you’re planning to retire in Australia, how will you make sure you are able to live there? How much money will you save? What can you do now to make this a possibility for you?

The key is to break everything down into baby steps so that you don’t get overwhelmed.  

Stay Focused On Your Plan Every Day

 the Lilac and Gold Collection from kikki K
the Lilac and Gold Collection from kikki K

Make sure you focus on your plan every day. Don’t go a day without reading it through and looking at your board. Believe that it’s your future.

Act “As If” Every Day

You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not, but the way you speak, move, and go about your day will make a huge difference to whether you achieve what you’re looking to achieve or not. Are your actions aligning with that of the person who retires down under? If not, then change them!

Cover image: Interior designer Mary McDonald’s L.A. office, a micro-model for giving a simple space serious retro-Hollywood glamour. Source:

