It’s important to get your website off to the best start possible and that involveds impeccably written copy, containing all your keywords and is written in a way that keeps the visitor interested. I’ve seen many beautiful sites go live with not-so-great copy and the owners don’t understand why they aren’t getting traffic or why their blogs aren’t attracting attention.
First let me say, I am not a journalist. My background is advertising and design. But that said, I have been writing blogs, fixing copy, writing (or rewriting) sales copy and advertising blurbs for years. I am also passionate about the English language and crafting copy that will read well online.
Copywriting Services I Offer
- Niche blog writing (beauty, decor, trends or real estate for example)
- Exciting, captivating sales oriented product descriptions for e-commerce
- Social media copy (making sure you are using the best language and keywords to gain optimal engagement for your social posts)
- Wording for your webpages for optimal SEO (e.g. about us, services, our team)
- Copy checking and proofreading
- Editing your copy so it is suitable for the web, appopriate to the industry and the market your website is targeting.
The keys to successful online copywriting
Don’t “keyword stuff” in your copy
People this that if they fill their copy with their keywords over and over that Google and Bing will leap at the chance to list the page. Wrong! Google’s algorithm actually punishes sites that “stuff “with keywords. If you overdo it on the keyword front you will get a black mark in Google’s SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
The other factor to consider is the reader. Readers don’t love keyword stuffing because the copy reads badly. It looks cheap. Better to carefully craft your content to show a theme and have it read organically. When I write for a website I use a WordPress Plug in that tells me if my keywords are excessive or if they aren’t placed often enough.
Spelling and Grammar Appropriate For Your Region
One of my pet peeves is bad grammar and spelling. Utilise apps like Grammerly or just plain old MS Word (set for your regional area of course).
By default, most of these add-ons, and plug-ins are set to USA English, which I think should be called American because it isn’t the same as UK English, or “English English”. There are z in place of s, colour is spelt color, glamour is glamor, and a whole range of words that are different. Make sure your language and region are taken into consideration.
TIP: Using The Correct Version of Words That Sound the Same (Homophones)
Another area that will cost you dearly with reader perception is getting words like their, they’re and there are common mistakes but will bring down the tone of your writing. English is a touch language to master. There are some many rules that are there and then broken, and a lot of words that sound exactly this same but have vastly different meaning. If you don’t know the difference between the following, you might like to consider employing me to write your copy, or at the very least, check it for incorrect homophones.
To, two, too
There, their, they’re
and one last one for this page: Copywrite and Copyright.
Copywriting for the Web
Writing for the web is very different to traditional journalism. Journalist have the luxury of readers having to physically turn a page to move on. Sure, they need to write concisely and creatively, but the web is a different animal. On the web people have an attention span of a goldfish, so long, wordy, beautifully crafted sentences and paragraphs won’t work. You have to break down your copy into small easily digested chunks.
VERY IMPORTANT ! Visitors do not read your web copy, they skim to find what they are looking for.
You’ll note that in my writing I have lots of paragraphs and headings so that my readers can skim through to find the information. I want my readers to find their information, take note and then take action.
I’m here to help
I am here to help you get your products and services online. I have written copy for a range of topics: beauty, travel, banking, real estate and property, personal profiles and general copy for websites. The aim of web copywriting is to keep your reader engaged and to rank well with search engines. If you’d like to find out more, click the link below and specify what and how you’d like my help with your copywriting.