Turning 30 is the time to put your skincare routine into practice. This is the time that signs of stress, both, physical and environmental begin to manifest themselves. Going to bed with your makeup on won’t be something you can get away with anymore. It’s important that if you haven’t got a skincare routine in place already, you start to include one now.
Some of the things you should do include:
By 30 your cell metabolism has begun to slow down. This means your cells aren’t replacing themselves as often, so, they need a helping hand. You can promote circulation and refine your skin surface by switching between polish and acid and including methods of Skin Tightening. Exfoliating is a quick and simple way to help your skin feel fresher, look brighter, and rejuvenated. Once you have exfoliated you should use a moisturizer or anti-aging cream to help soothe your skin.
Have Some Respect For Your Complexion
You need to respect your complexion and stay away from harsh, dehydrating ingredients. If you are acne or blemish-prone, you may find that ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide strip your skin of its essential oils, these are precious as you get older, reduce your barrier function, kill collagen, and compromise hydration levels.
You should use a cleaner that has a nutritive, conditioning balm and then treats blemishes with a solution to target them individually. If you can find a lotion that both stops and is naturally microbial as well as anti-inflammatory you should be able to clear up problematic complexion areas.
Drink Plenty of Water
If you have never been one for keeping up with your water intake, now is the time to make a change. Water beneficially impacts so many areas of your life if you drink the right amount including your nutrition, your sleep, and your complexion. If you often get acne outbreaks or have dry skin, one factor could be the fact you’re not drinking enough water. You should be drinking around eight glasses of water a day, but this does change from person to person. Try increasing your water intake a see the effect it has on your skin.
Always Protect Your Skin From The Sun
This is one of the most important things you can do to protect against the damaging impact that comes from UV exposure. Even when the sun isn’t shining bright and it’s not hot, the sun is still there so, you need to take it seriously. Sunscreen is the obvious choice, especially when it comes to hot weather and being outdoors for an extended period of time. You can also get foundation, lipstick, lotions, and lip balms with added SPF. These are fantastic for everyday protection when you may not think you need them. So, Next time you buy some new makeup think about buying one with SPF protection.
These are four great ways to protect your skin in your thirties upwards. If you don’t have a skincare routine in place, these are all things you should think about including. Do you have any other tips you could share in the comments section below?