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6 Ways To Get Your Business Noticed On Social Media

6 Ways To Get Your Business Noticed On Social Media

When it comes to getting your business noticed it can be hard to know where to start. There are so many different tactics and strategies you can use and whilst each one may be beneficial in its own way, it’s almost impossible to focus your efforts on all of them. Whether it’s content marketing, starting an informative newsletter, building an incredible website or focussing your efforts on social media – marketing is definitely a minefield.

For us, social media is one of the most important aspects of marketings as once you’ve mastered it you can easily target people that are interested in the product or service you have to offer.

With that in mind, here are 6 ways to get your business noticed on social media:

Create A Well-Curated Feed And Plan Ahead

This point mainly applies to those that want to build their brand on Instagram as it is such a visual platform, however, curating a well-curated feed for all of your social media accounts is a great way to ensure everything is on brand. For Instagram, use apps like Preview and UNUM to plan your pictures in advance – that way you’ll be able to see how well they fit together and reorder them to match special events or promotions.

Schedule Social Media Posts In Advance

There are lots of different tools you can use to schedule your social media posts in advance. This means you can plan everything beforehand and spend a dedicated amount of time scheduling content, rather than manually uploading posts every time. Whilst it may seem like a lengthy task at the time, it will ensure you always have something to post.

Encourage People To Have Conversations

The best way to get yourself noticed on social media is to start conversations between your followers. Whether you ask them questions or encourage them to share their thoughts and opinions on a topic, each response will count as engagement – which ultimately means more people will start to see your posts.

Great examples of this are posts that encourage people to tag their friends.

Build A Community

Having a community that surrounds your business is important if you want to have a loyal customer base and one of the best ways to build this is through social media. Whether you start a Facebook group, launch a members-only club or invite people to sign up to your newsletter – people will want to feel as though they’re an important part of your brand’s community.

Take The Time To Learn Something New

There are always so many new things you could be learning, especially when it comes to social media and digital marketing. With lots of different courses out there for you to sign up to, you could be learning how to curate the perfect Instagram feed, the benefits of hybrid cloud computing or how to use Facebook Ads to maximise your sales from the comfort of your own home.

Post Regularly And Focus On A Few Key Platforms

Posting regularly is important as it means that people know what to expect from your account. If you post every morning, people will start to get used to this and interact with you based on this.

It’s also important to ensure you’re only focussing on a couple of platforms, rather than trying to do all things at once. Whether you choose Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or Snapchat – focussing on just a couple of platforms will allow you to create better, engaging content.

Do you want to get your business noticed on social media? Let me know if you try any of my tips in the comments below.

