Frugality is about being careful with your money. The idea is to avoid spending more than you earn. You might cut back a little here, and make some savings there. It’s a lifestyle choice. Of course, there are times, even when you’ve been careful, that you need to do more to stay on top of the bills. But just how far are you willing to go?
Your House
Selling your house might be the last thing you want to do right now. However, if you have some equity and you can squeeze into a smaller place, you might be able to live mortgage free. A different neighbourhood, a different property type, or simply fewer bedrooms might offer quite the price difference. It’s not a quick fix, but it could help you to live more frugally going forward.
Your Jewellery
This is a tough one! Nobody wants to give up those gorgeous jewels we all love to wear. However, if there is some value in them, and you don’t really wear them that often, why not see how much you can sell them for? This is a one-time transaction. You can’t reverse it unless you pawn it and pay a premium to get it back. Don’t be tempted to sell anything with real sentimental value.
Your Car
Giving up your car might help you enjoy a much healthier lifestyle. The ongoing costs of running a car can be pretty steep too. There are also ways to get quick cash from this transaction with a sell my car fast service provider. This might become a big lifestyle change for you so consider it carefully. Add up all the journeys you make locally that can be done on foot or by bicycle. Now, look at the slightly longer ones. What would the bus or train fare cost each year? Finally, the long-distance ones. Check the cost of hiring a car for those. Could you be better off?

Your Appliances
Appliances around the home are superseded all the time. They become more energy efficient, and can even offer more functionality. Selling your appliances you don’t need might raise a little cash right now. Spare TVs, the breadmaker you never used, and that spare freezer in the garage could all go. When you replace the ones you need, opt for the energy efficient equivalent to save you a few bucks ongoing.
Your CDs and DVDs
Lots of us are hoarders. Some of us are serial hoarders and struggle to chuck out anything. Of course, over time, some of the stuff we’ve got stashed away can actually increase in value. CDs and DVDs, on the other hand, might not increase in value anytime soon. But pretty much every track and title you’ve got is probably available to stream online. That means you can clear out the cupboards and free up lots of space getting rid of this old technology!
If you can sell it and make massive savings in the process, wouldn’t you? What could you sell today to help your financial situation in the future?