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3 Careers That Can Help You Change The World

3 Careers That Can Help You Change The World
If you're currently in the midst of choosing careers or switching jobs, you might be looking for careers that fit the previous description. There are loads out there, but here are three careers that can help you change the world.

Many of us struggle to choose a career that has meaning. You want to get up every day and do something that will actually have a wider impact on others. This makes your life feel more rewarding, and you can look back on your career when you retire with a massive sense of achievement. 

If you’re currently in the midst of choosing careers or switching jobs, you might be looking for careers that fit the previous description. There are loads out there, but here are three careers that can help you change the world:

Medicinal Chemist

A medicinal chemist is someone that works on developing new drugs and medications to treat a range of diseases. Look at the COVID-19 vaccines right now, and that’s a perfect example of medicinal chemists at work! You’ll need a degree in biochemistry to enter this field, but it’s arguably the most rewarding around. When people recover from illnesses or new cures for diseases are discovered, it’s normally all thanks to the behind-the-scenes work of medicinal chemists. So, it’s a job that rarely delivers the recognition you deserve, but you still feel accomplished nevertheless!


You don’t need an explanation of what a teacher does – it’s pretty straightforward! However, you can see exactly why and how this career is extremely rewarding and will have an impact on the world. As a teacher, you’re responsible for educating the next generation. If you do your job well, you can put the world in safer hands, full of smart people who are more tolerant and understanding of others. As you can see here, you do need a degree to teach – and you also need a specific one for secondary and primary school teachers. It’s incredibly rewarding to see your students grow up and go on to achieve great things. Who knows, you could teach someone who goes on to make a massive scientific breakthrough that changes the world forever?!


Yes, journalists do have a profound impact on our planet. While this career is a bit of a topsy-turvy one, the right approach to journalism can be rewarding. The key is to stay away from all the nonsense and tabloid journalism, focusing more on the hard-hitting stories. Journalists can help uncover hidden truths about things all over the world. You can run stories that expose corruption and get the rest of society talking. There are loads of books and TV shows/films fuelled by journalists that expose things relating to the environment or politics. Look at the work David Attenborough does – he shines a light on the environmental issues in the world, getting people to change their attitudes. Investigative journalism can change the world because it can influence the public to make different decisions or choices. The trick is finding stories that will have a positive impact!

Are these three careers the best in the world? No, there are plenty that will also help you change the world and make it a better place. But, these three options show a diverse range of careers that can positively impact society.



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