Is your home looking a little shabby rather than chic? Fed up with clutter and mess ruining your relaxation? If so, don’t panic. Here are 17 bright ideas on how to improve your home interior and decor.
1. Clean the front yard
Clear up the front of your home and you will make it look a lot more inviting – it’s that simple! Scrub your walls, prune back overhanging bushes and shrubs, and add a lick of paint to the walls and entrance areas.
2. Invest in flowers

It’s amazing how much nature can improve the look, feel and smell of a home. So find yourself some stylish vases, and start filling them with plants and fresh flowers on a regular basis.
3. Buy some storage
Fed up with clutter crowding you out? You probably need some more storage. There are some incredibly clever storage solutions out there these days, which can give you some space in the most cluttered areas and smallest homes.
4. Focus on a feature
Does your home suffer from not having that one particular focal point? If so, why not create one? You could build a fireplace, for example, or create an area where you can interchange different features over the course of the year.
5. Try some Feng Shui
Hire an interior designer who specialises in Feng Shui. They will help you rearrange your home to perfection and give you more space for the ultimate in relaxation and wellbeing.
6. Clean the windows
This one goes without saying – just get it done and you will be amazed at the difference it can make.
7. Buy new pillows
You can get away with using old furniture with no problems at all. Just make sure your pillows and cushions are plentiful and in good shape. New cushion and pillow covers can give any living space an instant lift.
8. Mirror your windows
To get more natural light in your home, position a mirror or two near a window. The light reflects and you will have more natural light than you have ever experienced in your home before.
9. Buy essential oils

Don’t forget about the smell – an important sense that most people forget. Your home can look incredible, but the effect will be ruined completely if it’s musty – so freshen things up with some essential oils!
10. Create your own art

If you want to put a unique stamp on your home, why not create your own artwork? Blow up your fave photos, paint a meaningful picture – you could even create your own photo frames. Get creative and keep working at it until you succeed!
11. Use vertical space
Lots of people struggle with space in their home but don’t look up. If you aren’t maximising the height of your walls, you are missing out! Floor-to-ceiling bookcases, hanging plants, and tall dressers can all give you a fantastic – but entirely practical – look.
12. Touch up your paintwork
Walls get scuffed a lot in a family home, but you don’t need to repaint the entire area. Instead, just get the right coloured tone and paint over the necessary areas.
13. Invest in a major piece

If you have the budget, why not treat yourself? Buying a new piece of furniture gives you the opportunity to completely rearrange your room – which in turn will make everything seem a whole lot fresher.
14. Refresh old furniture
A quick coat of paint is all you need to turn an old, shabby looking piece to something truly special and unique.
15. Window boxes

Plant some herbs into window boxes in the kitchen area. Not only will they look pretty and help with your cooking, but they smell fantastic, too!
16. Buy more lighting
You can never have enough lighting, and investing in some spot lights or lamps can result in a complete refresh of your home.
17. Buy throws

If you’re bored of your current sofa or couch, jazz things up a little by investing in a throw. It will give your seating areas a completely new look – and make the super cosy.