A clean toilet is the cornerstone of a clean house. Given how often we visit this room, and it’s purpose, it is one room that needs regular attention. This is a valuable life skill that a lot of people don’t learn to do. Or at least none of my flatmates over the years.
Steps to a sparkling clean toilet
- Put on disposable gloves (for hygiene)
- Dust all horizontal surfaces: cistern, lid, area behind the lids with a dry cloth. Put this cloth in the washing.
- Spray all surfaces (cistern, lip, under lid, seat, under seat and outside of bowl
- Apply a toilet duck cleaner under where the water comes out around bowl (just get the cheapest one at the supermarket – otherwise, you are flushing your money down the drain – bad pun I know)
- Leave for 15 minutes for a super clean toilet
- With a wet clean cloth and a bucket of warm water, wipe each external area, rinsing cloth between areas, until everything except the bowel is clean
- With you toilet brush scrub inside the bowl
- Flush toilet and rinse loo brush with the water
- Tap the brush over the bowl to dry and replace in its stand
- Mop floor.
Other steps to ensure your loo is tip top:
Make Sure toilet paper is plentiful
Nothing worse than running out of loo roll.
Ensure there is plenty of toilet paper. Our family recently discovered “Who Gives A Crap” – which is a company who donates 50% of profits to provide toilets and sanitation across the world.
“2.4 billion people across the world don’t have access to a toilet. That’s roughly 40% of the global population and means that diarrhoea related diseases fill over half of sub-Saharan African hospital beds and kill 900 children under 5 every day.”


Click here for other housekeeping hacks.
Credits: Featured Image is via Pinterest, toilet paper via Who Gives A Crap